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On-site Employee Hearing Exams 

Audiometric testing determines baseline hearing, as well as if and how much hearing loss has occurred if any. It offers more detail than audiometric screenings.

Employee Hearing Exams 

Tested at your facility or ours by our in-house Board-Certified Hearing Specialist Tina M. Allen Licensed In the State of Nebraska & Iowa. With 16 yrs experience in the hearing industry. 


Our specialist is at your disposal, providing an onsite solution to your hearing testing needs.  We deliver consistent and dependable audiometric testing to your location such as a quiet conference room. You can eliminate the inconvenience of sending employees to offsite clinics – reducing disruption, travel and labor costs. You may also send your employees to our office for scheduled testing if preferred. 


  • Board-Certified HIS Administered:
    Exam specialist conducts hearing tests at your facility in a conference room or in our office. 

  • Counsel                                                                                                    With our counseling option, our Board-Certified hearing specialist will review test results with your employees and demonstrate the proper way to wear hearing protection. Service includes inspection of hearing protection devices to ensure proper size and fit.

  • Combine with On-Demand:
    Combine with On-Demand testing capability to capture missed employees and retests without sending employees to clinics.

  • Expert Board-Certified Hearing Provider
    Highly experienced and dedicated in-house expert providing review and Professional Hearing Evaluations. 


Tina Allen

Hearing Specialist

402-592-2828 Office

Get in Touch

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